- Villa of the Queen (Villa della Regina) - past and present - Roberto - page 1


Villa of the Queen.

On the middle-hills, past the Basilica of the Big Mother (Gran Madre) rises the Villa of the Queen.

Here, the Villa still mantains, notwithstanding the carelessness of the recent past, an armonious and imponent look.

Cartouche in three languages,at the entrance of the alley that takes to the Villa of the Queen. Here is the description.


...the complete cartouche.

Cartiglio completo

- Villa of the Queen (Villa della Regina) - past and present - Roberto - page 2

Villa della Regina-recent past. Carelessness and neglection.

Yard behind the front

Cortile retrostante

The semicircular building with entrance to the other parts of the gardens. We see the niches with statues of exquisite workmanship. All left in the most absolute neglection for decemniums.

Statue, probably representing a Goddess.

Statua femminile
Another male statue, probably a God of mythology.
Statua maschile


- Villa of the Queen (Villa della Regina) - past and present - Roberto - page 3

These pictures give an idea of the neglection outside of the Villa.

The inner,protected only by walled up entrances, often easily demolished by vandals, by thieves of furnitures and marbles and also by keens on satanic rites...

Recently started the restructuration (probably to honour the next Olimpic games).

Here is a view of the Villa out of the erecting yard.

The front of the Villa seen from the road.

Villa Facciata

Particular of the complex on a side of the front

Lato destra

- Villa of the Queen (Villa della Regina) - past and present - Roberto - page 4


Another view of the front.


Statues on the terrace of the front.


Perhaps these are the less damaged statues since they were on the terrace,not so easy to reach by vandals.

- Villa of the Queen (Villa della Regina) - past and present - Roberto - page 5

-Back of the Villa, scarcely visible through the trees the yard on the back of the entrance shown in the first picture-

Parte retrostante

Villa of the Queen seen from the hilly road with a panoramic view of the town and of the Alpine chain.

Villa con panoramica

